Monday, July 30, 2007
useless things to do when you are bored at home
u can try looking up the dictionary at every word that u see here
99% of the words used here, way too extreme and profound.
* Monologue from V for Vendetta.
"This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vangquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of **voliton. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V." *
From the moment that I looked into your eyes, all of my life I thought I'll be there by your side, I wish I'll took the time to find the words to say.
Labels: seeing you with someone new used to make me feel so blue but know that im with u all the time
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I can't recognise this place. The endless road without a stop sign. Can't even find a stranger this time. Why am I still talking to myself. Hoping you will have the keys to my cell. Every song might calm the weather. But it just draws me deeper. How do I get out of this. I think, I never will .
Labels: Till I begin to taste the bitterness inside
Friday, July 27, 2007
I see that you're in love, I know it's not with me. But i don't want the truth to haunt my memory. My feelings were all for you.Although it didn't show.Now i realize that you're no longer mine.But i'm hoping that the pain will ease in time.Although you're leaving, i won't say goodbye.Because i know you're here with me inside.
Labels: I sit and reminisce of times that we once shared and you gave me more than love
Sunday, July 22, 2007
damn tired. lets accumulate.
ok i pon sch on wed and thurs basically cause my attendence is basically too clean so i had to do something about it before the exam starts.FREE TICS FOR MY WIFE IS A GANGSTER. and it was a funny show.the next day, ok peiling acc me to get my gucci stuff thanks for that buddy. i realised how late and last minute it was but thanks man! clubbing AGAIN on friday. damn u guys really need to limit yourself. and just when i thought he was long gone, sean u came over to club with us! nice seeing u again bro. queue for harry's last book with viknesh aft clubbing and definitely i think its kinda dumb. they had cheerleaders, assholes acting like the whole of hogwarts. u see fake harry,hermione,ron,hagrid,dumbledore & many many more. imagine seeing this ppl with a cheenah face. just for one book have to make until so grand i really respect them. worst still 7.01 am was the release of the book. u hear ppl screaming as they approach the counter like as if the book will fly away if they dont scream and run. ok no offence to all fans out there but this whole scenario seems like david beckham just came to singapore but no its all for a book. COOL SHIAT.
JENNY'S bday on sat as well but didnt club at night with them cause im totally broke.
happy birthday gal! aft 10 years i cant believe im celebrating bday with u.
but hope u enjoyed. best wishes
meet hongwei and the rest aft that!
ok nvm tired like mad pictures time
white dog cafe before my wife is a gangster
bridget took this pic
trying to act like a photographer
but no i still respect peter parker

miss teo and me.
this is 2007 not 2005
so dont misunderstand guys


boat ride

haagan daz with hong wei and the rest
guys hong wei did this with his fingers
show some respect =x

Labels: i dont't want the truth to haunt my memory
Monday, July 16, 2007
hands getting itchy finally had the time to fucking blog man!! no more tests and the exam awaits us!! power i like. okok here goes. last weekend was a blast. really. i can't believe 3 panadols can do wonders but who cares most importantly i passed my presentation so fri 13 did end peacefully. but it was a rough day for me on fri basically. i can't believe i lost 19 bucks !! damn....
ok skip that. carmen's bday on sat, it was alright basically only that i don't know much ppl there but i wish u did enjoy your day my old friend. so let me see, i meet danny and co. aft the bbq thingy at queens and of course it started off very intensed. well u guys know what happen but lets keep it discreet and i hope friend's will be better off ya. ok so pics time!!
carmen's bday!
so basically we only talk among ourselves on that day
just the 4 of us HAHA

nv better!
just laugh at eileen
i know u guys can see her lungs from the pic

wherever you are
tonight girl
i'll see you in my dreams
Labels: is this the feeling i need to walk with?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
fucking tired knn buey tahan. came back from town not long ago, met joe muhamad and jackson. wah fucking chui the cb CRS do until my head want to burst knn eh. my brain cells like basically dead and i cant think anymore. went to chill at cuppage. played abit of pool than came home. intended to do more CRS but fuck damn tired. shit man i cant help saying fuck cause today is really fucked.
saturday die. got presentation. my legs will start to fucking wobble like mad. and im nt fucking prepared for this fucking presentation. i want to kick june wee's ass seriously for making us the first group to present. nabei my libei teng until donno where. nicotine rush until my nostrils come out orh orh 1.
somehow i think all this tests suck like mad , well i screwed my c-programming lab test. no output no results i can go fly kite already. text files suck. screw u c-programming for being the dumbest invention ever. if i die i make sure u die along with me.__
OHHH weird surprise i saw brenda today and i felt uneasy joking with her cause she had a friend who kept staring at me with those ugly eyes. she looks kinda hot but no her eyes suck. maybe my forehead is stained with the word "fuck ur mother cb". ok cut that off but she didn really stare actually i exagerrated(or however the fuck the dict spells it) but yeah that kinda look. pisses me off. ok fine look down on me go ahead. u can read my forehead again i will write ur name beside ur mother cb.
damn im feeling very aggrevated(however the fuck the dict spells it again) my eng is failing me time and time again. i think i need to read a book. i wish i had the hands of JK rowling.
this is a message to MR teo: please remember every word and sentence u say, its irritating when u assume otherwise.
Labels: u're my only hope
Sunday, July 8, 2007
ok i went to pulau ubin on saturday. was super tired on that day so here goes.
was over at HW's place
he is feeling down so decided to make my way down and thats why im screwed at pulau ubin.
we cycled basically the whole area and it was actually very hectic but kinda fun in a way.
not really in the mood to type so lets invite some pictures in
this is huiting
she looks like she got a bra as her shades
dont worry u look cool.

the group photo at the jetty before we took a boat ride to ubin
dont laugh at my pose my legs kinda weak that day

mr malaysia
if there was ever mr malaysia universe
trust me i will see him advertise for tongkat ali one day

invasion of privacy.
justin and i was actualy having fun.

ok this looks lame.
but spot the diff.

ok its a once in a lifetime activity.
so here's the invitation


and clubbing at night.
it was a hell of a day.

so it was a boring day
went out for some fun

2 special guests that day. peiwen and joey.
time to slp. !!
Labels: i want us
To think I might not see those eyes makes it so hard not to cry.
it feels great.
nv felt better for 2 months.
and it will never be enough.
cause it appears to be something common.
that happens after every bundle.
i wish i didn't know so much.
its always right in front of me.
it stinks .. pretty badly.
im trying to live with it.
and i want u so bad.
Labels: You've been the only thing that's right
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
desire. is it a desperate thing?
but i guess its just a simple thing i need.
something so simple,
which i threw away
and i sulk like a fucking baby everyday,
trying to find a way out of this.
is this the end of it all?
i hope not.
the times we shared
the tears we cried
i can never forget
and if u ever ask me to give up again
i can only say
my heart doesn't want to
i just can't
and i'm sorry if i made it difficult for u
its the only reason why
i want to give this up
Labels: it just got harder and harder each day
Tuesday, July 3, 2007


ok totally shag. went for running after class today. tried to keep fit for the first time in my life. the people at the park were totally weird and glaring at one another i donno why but its starting to freak me out cause im staying at tiong bahru. and it sucks to know many weird people stay around me. ok so fine i went to crystabelle and i haven studied my engineering materials. that sucks. its a fucking retest. im so gonna lick balls to achieve some decent grades.
i introduce some of my ex classmates
she is a nurse. pretty and fat.
but i love her.
and she went songs of the sea without me.
so finger for u __
but i still love u.
very lovely isn't she.
they call her ah lye.
i call her jasmine with a gay voice.
its called seduction.

this is fiona.
she is big and white.
definitely im screwed if i piss her off.
so this is me.
a chill running down my spine.
ok no hard feelings.

i will introduce the rest soon cause i seldom take pics with fiona and jasmine.
peiling's hand
very bonny
and she is nt feeding me
cause thats her favourite snack

wanna see cynthia emo
here u go
not bad right
look left at peiling's face
and try your best not to laugh

and afterall. it was fun

Sunday, July 1, 2007
BORING. and its fucking buang. it was a very buang day also.
its alright hopefully they are happy with the pics.
played basketball with danny and the rest on that day as well. went for lunch after that and went to minds cafe. i missed the last 2 activities they had . and they went for seesha and movie omg my favourite. went to meet kt and des at TB than went to clinic with ram and 2 guys.
pics of the day.
hopefully not gay-ish
she is a chui kia

this is lame but looks nice in a way bros

sup hong wei

random pics


cool shiat

cheryl i put this for a funny reason dont ask why

walking on sunshine

sup homies

it makes the place darker


Labels: i love u and nobody can change that