Sunday, September 23, 2007
BItch im starting school in 4 hours time and i can't get to sleep omfg im gonna die during the first day of school. i can't believe the only drinks left in my bloody fridge is 3 bottles of pathetic heineken and i seriously dont expect this drink to put me to sleep. forget it. bloody hell my friend must be laughing at my shit ass school for starting school early and giving me that " oh u have to stay home" face . nvm i used to do that to them so retributiong time =( who gives a damn im gonna treat this one week like a bloody holiday and go out like nobody's business. bad thing is my best friend isn't in the same class as me right now so screw school its gonna get a little more boring damn it. sounds gay but i bet the class will miss u dude. ok end here!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
blogger got a very big thing against me so my photos are all over the place
anyway those pics are from taipei. anyone intending to go to the place, please go without hesitation. its fun to the core and there are just way too many things to visit, shop,eat,see etc.
too much to write over here but i guess most people already know what we do over there. just wanna share these pictures with everyone.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
OH F-U-C-KI haven blog for a very long time ok lets start with my buddy's bday!! u did many crazy things but dont worry we still love u hahaha lets keep it discreet. hope the cake is to your liking cause it wasn't easy to bake. took me n sean hours but its worth it i hope.
kah tien will be next so i don't think yours is the worst case scenario HAHA
laughing stock but i wasn't at the scene shit..
haha anyone who wants to see the rest of the pics just talk to me on msn cause we really make him look like a bloody clown. the aftermath of vodka shots. its a big wonder. we have seen drunk people lingering around pubs or clubs, but u guys nv see what my buddy can really do when he is totally drunk. dont worry zhi as i say we still love u hahahaha
ok so on the actual day it was a normal celebration for him and the food was superb but the movie was alright. at least it was a smooth celebration hope u like it bro . we really enjoyed the buffet and i love the oysters!!